AviationDespite the cabin crew’s attempts to rescue him, he remained trapped in the toilet until the plane landed.

Passenger stuck in plane toilet for entire flight

The passenger was only freed after an engineer was called when the plane landed in Bengaluru, India.
The passenger was only freed after an engineer was called when the plane landed in Bengaluru, India. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/valeri

A passenger encountered an accidental downgrade flying from Mumbai to Bengaluru on SpiceJet when he got stuck in the airplane toilet for the entire duration of the flight.

“A passenger unfortunately got stuck inside the lavatory for about an hour,” the budget airline said in a statement.

The passenger, who went to use the restroom shortly after takeoff, discovered he couldn't exit due to a malfunctioning lock. Despite efforts from both crewmembers and fellow passengers, they couldn't successfully free him.

After unsuccessful attempts to rescue the passenger, the cabin crew slid this note under the door.
After unsuccessful attempts to rescue the passenger, the cabin crew slid this note under the door.

In an effort to reassure the trapped passenger, the crew slid a note under the door that said: ”Sir we tried our best to open the door, however, we could not. Do not panic. We are landing in a few minutes, so please close the commode lid and sit on it and secure yourself. As soon as the main door is open, an engineer will come.”

The passenger was finally rescued by engineers, receiving immediate medical attention upon landing. SpiceJet issued a full reimbursement to the passenger, expressing regret for the inconvenience caused and offering an apology.

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