Travel TrendsInternational travellers prioritise safety and affordability for European trips in 2024.

What travellers going to Europe really want

Out of all the markets, the Chinese has the strongest desire to visit Europe.
Out of all the markets, the Chinese has the strongest desire to visit Europe. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/loreanto

As anticipation for international travel in 2024 grows, optimism pervades key long-haul markets eyeing Europe. The latest Long-Haul Travel Barometer (LHTB) 1/2024 by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and Eurail BV sheds light on early travel sentiments and plans, offering insights into travellers' preferences.

Optimism across key markets

In Brazil, Australia, Canada, and South Korea, optimism towards overseas travel in 2024 is notably high, with percentages ranging from 71% to 76%.

The United States maintains a steady interest in international travel, with 60% of respondents expressing a desire to explore beyond their borders.

Meanwhile, Japan has witnessed a modest 5% increase in travel intentions since 2023, but the overall intention remains relatively low at 35%.

In contrast, China is experiencing a decline in travel sentiment, recording a 14% decrease in long-distance travel intention. However, a significant 64% of respondents still plan to embark on long-haul trips in 2024.

Factors influencing destination choice

Safety emerges as the top priority for international travellers considering European destinations, with 45% of respondents across all markets prioritising a secure travel environment.

High-quality tourism infrastructure ranks second, with 38% considering it essential. Renowned landmarks and affordability also play pivotal roles in destination selection, with 35% of overseas travellers naming these as their top priorities.

The love for Europe among different markets

Among those eager to travel overseas, a significant 75% plan to visit Europe, with the remaining 25% considering other regions.

Notably, Chinese and Brazilian travellers exhibit the strongest intent to visit Europe, with percentages reaching 50% and 49%, respectively.

However, Australians and South Koreans display a more moderate enthusiasm for European trips.

While Canadians and Americans express interest, the level of enthusiasm remains subdued in early 2024.

Japanese travellers exhibit minimal optimism for European travel in January-April, with only 14% contemplating a trip to the region.

Budget considerations and trip lengths

When it comes to budget considerations, 38% of respondents are willing to spend over €200 per day, while 31% prefer a mid-range budget of €100-€200.

Additionally, the data reveals diverse travel itineraries and trip lengths, with the average traveller planning to visit three European countries. Most travellers (58%) are considering holidays ranging from 1-2 weeks, with Australians planning even longer trips, with half of the respondents considering stays exceeding 2 weeks.

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