Travel TrendsIn summer 2024, travellers' preferences are changing in terms of advanced bookings, length of stays and destination choices.

Trip lengths are getting shorter or stagnating

Travellers globally exhibit increased confidence, booking trips earlier than last year, signalling a revival of traditional travel planning for 2024.
Travellers globally exhibit increased confidence, booking trips earlier than last year, signalling a revival of traditional travel planning for 2024. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/AkuAku

In its latest Horizons report, Skyscanner offers a comprehensive analysis of travel trends for the upcoming summer months across the APAC (Asia Pacific), EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and AMER (North, Central, and South America) regions.

Increased confidence in planning ahead

Across all regions, travellers are demonstrating greater confidence by booking their trips further in advance compared to the previous year. This indicates a return to traditional seasonality in travel planning for 2024.

APAC: Travellers show a broader distribution of booking periods, with a particularly noteworthy increase in bookings over 30 days, including a 2% rise in the 90+ day segment.

EMEA: There has been a notable surge in bookings made 60-89 days and 90+ days ahead.

AMER: Travellers are embracing longer booking windows, with 90+ day bookings constituting a significant portion of demand.

Regional preferences and shifts in destination choices

Regional preferences in destination choices are evident.

APAC: Travellers are focusing more on intra-regional destinations, showing a decline in trips to Europe and a preference for shorter, more budget-friendly vacations.

EMEA: Travellers continue to favour exploring Europe, with a marked increase in interest in Southeast Asia.

AMER: Travellers are displaying a growing curiosity for South America and North Asia alongside traditional European favourites, indicating a shift towards seeking new experiences.

Stability or slight decrease in trip lengths

Despite the popularity of various destinations, average trip lengths across all regions show a slight decrease or remain flat compared to the previous year. Popular destinations such as Spanish and Greek locales in EMEA, global cities in AMER, and well-known European and US destinations in APAC continue to attract travellers, with Tokyo being the only destination experiencing a single-digit trip length in APAC.

Trending destinations

Notable increases in search volumes have been observed across various regions, reflecting a mix of exploration and new route connections.

APAC: New Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China are experiencing notable growth in search volumes.

EMEA: There’s significant growth in destinations like Victoria, Canada, and Marmagao, India.

AMER: Travellers are increasingly interested in San Carlos de Bariloche, Tokyo, and Madrid.

Outlook: Fortune favours the bold
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