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Japan launches digital nomad visa

Japan introduces a digital nomad visa but imposes strict eligibility: US$66,622 income, private health insurance, and a six-month limit.
Japan introduces a digital nomad visa but imposes strict eligibility: US$66,622 income, private health insurance, and a six-month limit. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/terra.incognita

Japan has announced the introduction of a digital nomad visa for nationals of 49 countries allowing remote work for up to six months.

However, applicants must demonstrate a minimum annual income of ¥10 million (US$66,690), carry private health insurance, and are ineligible for a residence card. The visa is not renewable and lacks a residency card.

While the move has been welcomed by the digital nomad community, concerns have been raised about the stringent eligibility requirements.

Japan aims to tap into the growing digital nomad trend and benefit from the economic contributions that this community makes globally. According to a 2023 survey, digital nomads contribute nearly US$800 billion to the global economy annually.

Japan's high-income requirement is consistent with a trend observed in several Asian countries experimenting with digital nomad visas, reflecting a preference for higher salaries and stricter eligibility criteria compared to their European counterparts.

While such visas can stimulate local economies by attracting spending from digital nomads, there is concern about the potential negative impact on housing markets and increased competition for rental properties. The introduction of digital nomad visas aligns with Japan's wider inbound tourism recovery plan, but the barriers to entry may prompt some nomads to opt for "visa runs" instead.

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