People On The MoveOtto de Vries as executive director of WTAAA is championing transparency, collaboration, and sustainable growth.

WTAAA has a new voice for global travel agents

Otto de Vries' role in WTAA is to establish greater collaboration between travel agencies and other stakeholders through open communication.
Otto de Vries' role in WTAA is to establish greater collaboration between travel agencies and other stakeholders through open communication.

The World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA) has welcomed Otto de Vries as its new executive director.

De Vries, also CEO of the Association of Southern African Travel Agents (ASATA), brings 35 years of industry expertise to his global role.

"Our primary focus will be championing transparency for consumers in terms of choice and options, regardless of the travel distribution channel, and to foster greater collaboration between agencies and related travel partners across the travel ecosystem through open communication and engagements that bring both sides together,” said de Vries.

In WTAAA, de Vries aims to re-establish the Passenger Agency Programme Task Force with IATA to provide business solutions benefiting airlines and travel agencies.

WTAAA will address concerns related to IATA's New Distribution Capability, working towards seamless adoption that benefits both industry players and travelers.

Beyond airlines, WTAAA, under de Vries' leadership, is set to engage with entities like WTTC and UN Tourism (formerly known as UNWTO until a recent rebranding) on key industry issues. The alliance will also advocate for agencies in areas such as "duty of care," ensuring the wellbeing of travellers.

De Vries expressed enthusiasm for his role, stating, “My role is to ensure that WTAAA member organisation’s voices are heard in critical discussions on matters that impact the travel and tourism industry and to collaborate on the sustainable growth of our sector.”

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