Tour OperatorsWorld Express' rebranding reinforces its role as a 'Local Insider', offering deeper exploration into Singapore's culture and attractions.

World Express shows what it’s like to be a ‘Local Insider’

Darren Tan, managing director of World Express, launches a refreshed brand identity as The Local Insider for the Singapore-based DMC as it enters its 55th year of service.
Darren Tan, managing director of World Express, launches a refreshed brand identity as The Local Insider for the Singapore-based DMC as it enters its 55th year of service.

Knowing the destination inside out and immersing guests in local insider experiences have been the modus operandi for World Express since its inception, but the Singapore-based destination management company wants to bring this vision into sharper focus as it embarks on a new chapter of growth with a renewed vision and a refreshed image.

As the DMC - one of Singapore’s oldest and most established - celebrates its 55th year of service this year, World Express undertook a comprehensive rebranding initiative spanning a new website and logo to reflect the legacy company’s evolution while staying true to its core values and heritage.

Whether they are leisure or MICE groups, World Express aims to immerse guests in the unseen layers of Singapore, offering them a journey that transcends tourism to make them feel like insiders, rather than tourists.

Teaming up with local design studio Practice Theory, the new logo features a geometric arrangement of five rectangles forming an abstract 'W'. This design symbolises both the pulse of Singapore's cultural beat, which World Express remains steadfastly connected to, and a sense of upward movement, echoing the 'Express' in its name and its dedication to progress.

Further reinforcing the notion of travel as a portal, the five individual rectangles represent the diverse routes that the Local Insider uncovers for every guest. From hot spots to undiscovered realms, World Express’s identity is anchored in this ethos of being a trusted guide into portals of parts yet to be discovered.

World Express shows what it’s like to be a ‘Local Insider’

World Express' well-honed destination expertise is also reflected in its redesigned website, featuring imagery that draws from an insider’s view of Singapore. The improved website offers a user-friendly interface and streamlined navigation across its core leisure, cruise and MICE services with enhanced functionality to provide visitors with both an informative and yet delightfully immersive experience.

The redesigned website showcases World Express's destination expertise through imagery that offers an insider's view of Singapore. With a user-friendly interface and streamlined navigation, the website provides visitors with informative and immersive experiences across its leisure, cruise, and MICE services.

“The new website and logo was the result of a brand refresh project we undertook following a period of reflection and adaptation as we emerged out of the Covid-19 pandemic. This refreshed ethos underscores World Express’ commitment to offering guests unparalleled access to authentic and immersive experiences, as curated by local experts who possess deep-rooted knowledge and insights into Singapore,” said Darren Tan, managing director of World Express.

“We recognised that our expertise lay in our core pillars; the leisure, cruise and MICE segments and we strengthened our capabilities in these areas in terms of our people, our knowledge and our solutions. As the local insider, we offer our clients the advantage of our experience and our special relationships with local businesses and attractions.”

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