MarketingEuromonitor says ‘Delightful Distractions’ allow travel consumers to leave their worries behind.

Why being a bit silly can boost happiness and sales

Don’t be afraid to get silly or be playful, but always stay true to your brand personality, Euromonitor advises.
Don’t be afraid to get silly or be playful, but always stay true to your brand personality, Euromonitor advises. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Drobot Dean

What is it that can help you clinch a big-ticket cruise sale? Make a hotel guest smile all the way to the lift? Or give an airline passenger a flight to remember?

According to Euromonitor International’s Top Global Consumer Trends in 2024, it’s ‘Delightful Distractions’.

What exactly are Delightful Distractions? Euromonitor says they are “moments that evoke positive feelings. Think: exciting, heart-warming or playful”.

For the travel industry, opportunities for ‘Delightful Distractions’ are everywhere.

These interactions help spark joy and release tension, allowing consumers to leave their worries behind—if only for a few minutes, Euromonitor said.

“Small (unexpected) surprises or little acts of cheer can satisfy this demand to an extent. Consumers will also look for products that elicit those rewarding emotions. The dopamine dressing fashion craze (dressing for happiness) is an example of this trend. And they’ll search for entertainment that excites or experiences that serve as a temporary escape.”

Euromonitor said consumers want to offset the frantic pace of everyday life with a bit of fun. “Delightful Distractions often make a memorable impact, which improves brand perception and customer relationships.”

Bottom line, according to Euromonitor: Find moments where you can uplift your customers. Don’t be afraid to get silly or be playful, but always stay true to your brand personality.

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