AttractionsThis free-to-enter multimillion-dollar attraction offers an immersive multisensory journey, blending nature with technology.

What to expect at Sentosa Sensoryscape

Sensoryscape’s Scented Sphere is a garden filled with various fragrant plants like jasmine and ylang-ylang, offering smells that reflect Singapore's diverse flora.
Sensoryscape’s Scented Sphere is a garden filled with various fragrant plants like jasmine and ylang-ylang, offering smells that reflect Singapore's diverse flora. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

The much-anticipated Sentosa Sensoryscape is opening its doors on 14 March 2024, inviting visitors into a sensorial wonderland and Instagram haven, featuring large-scale outdoor interactive light art, a nature-inspired soundscape, and augmented reality (AR).

Initiated in 2021 with a substantial investment of S$90 million (US$67.6 million), Sentosa Sensoryscape represents a milestone in Sentosa's transformation, offering a unique blend of nature, architecture, and cutting-edge technology.

The multidimensional journey not only engages the traditional five senses but introduces the "sixth sense" of imagination, ensuring visitors embark on an evolving and enchanting adventure.

Join us as we delve into the unique zones within Sensoryscape, each crafted to captivate your senses and create unforgettable memories.

1. Glow Garden: Luminous floral spectacle

Sensoryscape’s Glow Garden features towering flower stalks with colorful lighting effects.
Sensoryscape’s Glow Garden features towering flower stalks with colorful lighting effects. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

The entrance to Sensoryscape is distinguished by the iconic Glow Garden, instantly recognisable with towering flower stalks lining the walkway, illuminated by pre-programmed lighting effects powered by energy-efficient LED lights.

2. Scented Sphere: A fragrant haven

Sensoryscape’s Scented Sphere features a projection mapping of butterflies and flowers.
Sensoryscape’s Scented Sphere features a projection mapping of butterflies and flowers. Photo Credit: Sensoryscape’s Scented Sphere features a projection mapping of butterflies and flowers.

The Scented Sphere beckons visitors with natural fragrances from blooming plants, creating a year-round scent palette. Aromatic plants like ylang-ylang, cape jasmine, and white champaca thrive here, attracting biodiversity such as birds and butterflies.

Apart from the architecture ingeniously cradling and capturing the elevated fragrance of the flowers, a projection mapping on the ground showcases kaleidoscopic images of blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies.

3. Symphony Streams: A tranquil oasis

Sensoryscape’s Symphony Stream is a tranquil sensory garden with curved bowls, creating soothing sounds of trickling water.
Sensoryscape’s Symphony Stream is a tranquil sensory garden with curved bowls, creating soothing sounds of trickling water. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

The Symphony Streams sensory garden focuses on the sense of sound, featuring numerous curved bowls with water trickling down, producing a soothing sound that invites tranquility and allows visitors to unwind amidst coastal breezes.

4. Tactile Trellis: A touch of nature

Sensoryscape’s Tactile Trellis offers a touch-and-feel experience of textural plants, transforming into a magical projection-mapping backdrop at night.
Sensoryscape’s Tactile Trellis offers a touch-and-feel experience of textural plants, transforming into a magical projection-mapping backdrop at night. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

The Tactile Trellis, an architectural marvel resembling petals, encourages visitors to interact with real plants like velvety Chinese Wormwood, feathery Asparagus, and spiky Juniperus species.

By night, Tactile Trellis transforms into a projection-mapping backdrop, narrating a story of how light and fire sparked imagination in humanity's forest-dwelling ancestors. Motion sensors near the plants generate images of Sentosa’s native wildlife on the walls with a simple wave of the hand.

5. Lookout Loop: Mystical mist marvel

Sensoryscape’s Lookout Loop offers panoramic views of Sentosa, refreshing mist sprays, and a mist garden for cooling off.
Sensoryscape’s Lookout Loop offers panoramic views of Sentosa, refreshing mist sprays, and a mist garden for cooling off. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

The Lookout Loop stands as the visual centerpiece of Sensoryscape, providing panoramic views. Along the winding path to the summit and back down, mist sprays surround the trail, offering a refreshing experience.

At the heart of the Lookout Loop, a mist garden invites visitors to play and cool down amidst the mist. The verdant zone encompasses protected trees and additional greenery, providing passive cooling and shade.

6. Palate Playground: Flavoursome foliage

The Palate Playground introduces diverse edible plants, including fragrant pandan, ginger, and the curry tree, reflecting Singapore's rich culinary diversity.

7. ImagiNite: Nights of digital enchantment

ImagiNite enhances Sensoryscape, transforming Tactile Trellis, Scented Sphere, and Symphony Streams.
ImagiNite enhances Sensoryscape, transforming Tactile Trellis, Scented Sphere, and Symphony Streams. Photo Credit: Travel Weekly Asia

As night falls, Sensoryscape's zones become even more magical with the ImagiNite app. Merging hand-drawn nature sketches with digital art through augmented reality, ImagiNite transforms Scented Sphere and Symphony Streams.

For instance, utilising the ImagiNite app at Scented Sphere conjures images of butterflies and flowers, while the app at Symphony Streams showcases jellyfish and other marine creatures gliding through the air.

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