Responsible TourismCelebrity photographer’s exhibition raises funds to support conservation and communities in Langkawi.

The picture-perfect tribute to the wonders of Malaysia

SC Shekar has worked with Malaysia’s indigenous communities for more than 30 years, creating an unparalleled portfolio of pictures of daily life.
SC Shekar has worked with Malaysia’s indigenous communities for more than 30 years, creating an unparalleled portfolio of pictures of daily life.

Dangling with his camera over rainforests, mountains, waterfalls, and mangrove forests, celebrated Malaysian photographer SC Shekar, has captured the beauty of his homeland.

Now, as part of its 30th anniversary celebrations, rainforest resort The Datai Langkawi has transformed its corridors into an interactive exhibition of Shekar’s stunning black and white limited-edition photographs.

Titled 'The Grandeur of Monochrome Malaysia', the photo gallery seeks to create heightened awareness of the delicate balance required to maintain the country’s natural environment for generations to come – while also raising funds to directly support conservation in Langkawi.

The series offers a unique perspective on some of the most majestic natural sites in Langkawi - including the primordial Gunung Machinchang rock formation and the UNESCO-listed Kilim Karst Geoforest Park.

Along with the displays of natural beauty, the exhibition includes striking portraits of Malaysia’s indigenous Orang Asli community.

QR codes invite viewers to engage with the artworks and their subjects through videos on the location and context of each image. The videos are narrated by Irshad Mobarak, a Langkawi naturalist and chief advisor to The Datai Pledge, the resort’s private trust dedicated to improving the wellbeing of the environment, wildlife, and local community of Langkawi.

Guests can purchase the photographs, with 100% of the sales proceeds going to The Datai Pledge.
Guests can purchase the photographs, with 100% of the sales proceeds going to The Datai Pledge.

All photographs in the gallery are available for purchase, with 100% of the proceeds going to The Datai Pledge.

CEO of Datai Hotels and Resorts, and former general manager of The Datai Langkawi, Arnaud Girodon, said as well as raising awareness of the importance of conservation, the exhibition would have a positive legacy for Langkawi by funding the work of the Datai Pledge.

SC Shekar has worked with Malaysia’s indigenous communities for more than 30 years, creating an unparalleled portfolio of pictures of their daily life as well as their struggles over access to natural resources.

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