DestinationsThe top three countries on the latest Henley Passport Index are all from Asia.

Who holds the world’s most powerful passport in 2023?

Japanese citizens can visit the most destinations in the world visa-free.
Japanese citizens can visit the most destinations in the world visa-free. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/margolana

For the fifth consecutive year, Japan ranks as the world’s most powerful passport on the Henley Passport Index. Japanese citizens can visit 193 destinations out of 227 visa-free. Singapore and South Korea are tied at second place, these two passports allowing access into 192 destinations visa-free.

Germany and Spain both come in third, with visa-free access to 190 destinations. The UK and the US remain in 6th and 7th places, with scores of 187 and 186, respectively. Afghanistan still remains at the bottom of the Henley Passport Index, with a score of just 27.

 Rank Country Visa-free score
 1 Japan 193
 2 Singapore
 South Korea
 3 Germany
 4 Finland
 5 Austria
 6 France
 United Kingdom
 7 Belgium
 Czech Republic
 New Zealand
 United States
 8 Australia
 9 Hungary
 10 Lithuania

Chairman of Henley & Partners, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, says the firm's latest research into the link between visa-free travel and global economic access unpacks what passport power means in concrete financial terms. "For global citizens, a better measure of economic mobility and fiscal opportunity afforded by their passports is to look at the percentage share of global GDP accessible to them visa-free.”

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