DestinationsFor a change, this is a list of the overcrowded and the over-priced places that Aussies avoid.

The hotspots which leave Aussies cold

The Gold Coast’s high-rise apartments are not popular with many Australians, a new survey finds.
The Gold Coast’s high-rise apartments are not popular with many Australians, a new survey finds. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/aure50

Now here’s something different: A travel guide that doesn’t list the best places to visit, the best times to visit, or the best places to eat, stay and play.

Instead, the International Drivers Association, an organisation which issues international driving permits, has listed the unpopular destinations which don’t charm Aussie travellers.

"Australians are among the most travelled citizens globally, but ironically, there are a few local spots they would rather not visit," says Julianna Marshall, a travel expert with the association.

The 10 tourist hotspots that Aussies leave Aussies cold – according to the International Drivers Association:

1. Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast

This Queensland spot may be an international mecca for surfers, but many Australians abhor the high-rise blocking beach views, sky-high prices and traffic congestion.

‌2. Kings Cross, Sydney

Kings Cross used to rank high among Sydney nightlife destinations. But the rowdy and unruly nightlife has made many Australians vow never to return.

‌3. Federation Square, Melbourne

Federation Square is often criticised by locals for its unconventional modern architecture, confounding access routes and lack of shade.

‌4. Williamstown, Melbourne

Williamstown, despite its gorgeous views and unique maritime history, is often snubbed due to the distance one must travel to get to this suburban destination.

‌5. Perth CBD, Perth

Perth's city centre, while beautiful and serene, is often viewed as dreary after dark, when the shops close early, and the streets can feel deserted.

‌6. Broadbeach, Gold Coast

Famous for its casino and shopping malls, Broadbeach often sees the disdain of Australians for being too commercial and lacking authentic cultural experiences.

‌7. Bondi Beach, Sydney

Bondi Beach, while famous with international tourists, is often avoided by locals due to overcrowding, expensive parking, and the influx of selfie-taking tourists.

‌8. Cavill Ave, Gold Coast

Cavill Avenue's overpriced food and beverages, generic shopping outlets, and overly busy sidewalks have seen many Australians turn their backs on this tourist hotspot.

‌9. Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street’s notorious reputation for nightlife havoc and seedy happenings has seen many Australians strike this spot off their must-visit list.

10. Launceston, Tasmania

A contretemps to this list, Launceston, often finds itself ignored by Australians due to its perceived isolation and quiet atmosphere.‌

"Australia is a country abundant with beautiful scenery and unique cultural experiences. It's interesting to note that while these locations may not appeal to some of the locals, they gain immense popularity among international tourists," says Marshall.

“Drawing insights from this, one could argue that an individual's appreciation of a place can be heavily influenced by their familiarity or unfamiliarity with it.”

Marshall’s advice? “Next time you move to cross out a location from your travel plans, think about why it may be attractive to others. Exploring why someone might love what you dislike could be the key to gaining a new perspective. Perhaps even a newfound appreciation for these oft-avoided places.”

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