Responsible TourismNonprofit puts the spotlight on MSMEs to give them a more competitive edge among tourists and agents.

Sustour champions sustainable tourism in Laos

SUSTOUR Laos adopts a comprehensive strategy, harmonising the expansion of tourism with the support and well-being of the local community.
SUSTOUR Laos adopts a comprehensive strategy, harmonising the expansion of tourism with the support and well-being of the local community. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Tanya Hendel

With the fast-rising interest in sustainable tourism, travel buyers looking to work with certified sustainable business in Southeast Asia should look no further than SUSTOUR Laos, which supports Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Laos’ tourism industry.

Focused on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and responsible business practices, successful adoptees receive certification from Travelife and Lasting Laos programmes. The project assists MSMEs in achieving certification through training, mentorship, incentives, and technical support, setting “industry standards and influencing others to follow suit”, said Connor Bedard, project manager of SUSTOUR Laos.

“Through business-to-business matchmaking and promotional campaigns, namely the Lasting Laos campaign, the project raises awareness of sustainable MSMEs among tourists and international travel agents, thereby providing these businesses with a competitive advantage. In cooperation with our local partners, the project advocates for the sustainable recovery of the Lao tourism sector in local and regional forums.”

SUSTOUR Laos employs a holistic approach, balancing tourism growth with local community support. By advocating for sustainability certifications, the project ensures tourism benefits local communities through employment, preservation of cultural practices, and environmental protection.

Despite challenges in Laos' private sector informality and low MSME capacity, the project has made significant progress, directly supporting around 500 MSMEs and benefiting over 7,500 employees. Ten hotels have achieved Travelife Certification, and 17 businesses obtained the Lasting Laos certification.

“While still short of our certification targets, what the project has been successful in doing is establishing a network of businesses who have demonstrated interest in and commitment to sustainability and identified role-models who are leading the way,” said Bedard. “These milestones are indicative of a growing commitment to sustainable practices within the Lao tourism sector.”

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