AttractionsThe last trishaw uncle pedalled his final ride in June 2023.

Singapore bids farewell to trishaw rides

Trishaw tours provided a distinctive way to discover Singapore's heritage sites like Little India, Chinatown, and Kampong Glam, using traditional local transportation.
Trishaw tours provided a distinctive way to discover Singapore's heritage sites like Little India, Chinatown, and Kampong Glam, using traditional local transportation. Photo Credit: Trishaw Uncle

Since June 2023, the familiar sight of trishaws winding through the streets of Singapore has become a thing of the past, marking the end of an era as the last licensed operator ceased operations.

Trishaw Uncle, the final operator, had been providing trishaw tours from Albert Mall Trishaw Park on Queen Street since 2010. However, when their contract with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) expired in May 2023, it was not renewed, leading to the discontinuation of trishaw services.

According to reports, efforts to secure an alternative site for operations proved futile. Despite exploring potential locations in Chinatown, Marina Bay, and Gardens by the Bay, they faced obstacles such as space allocation and usage restrictions.

The closure of Trishaw Uncle also marked the end of an era for the 100 trishaws it owned, which were subsequently scrapped due to the lack of suitable storage facilities.

Trishaw tours offered visitors a unique way to explore the city's heritage sites like Little India, Chinatown, and Kampong Glam. The decline in trishaw operations also had implications for employment, with the number of riders dwindling from 40 to 50 pre-pandemic to just 20 post-pandemic.

While the era of trishaw rides in Singapore has come to a close, STB remains optimistic about the diverse array of tour offerings available to both local and international visitors, ensuring that the spirit of exploration and discovery lives on in new and innovative forms.

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