Responsible TourismSentosa’s stakeholders look to omit single-use plastics by end-2023 with a new playbook.

Life without plastic will be more fantastic for Sentosa

Sentosa has joined forces with WWF-Singapore to launch the Sentosa Playbook for Reducing Disposables.
Sentosa has joined forces with WWF-Singapore to launch the Sentosa Playbook for Reducing Disposables. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Richie Chan

Sentosa Island in Singapore is taking a significant step towards sustainability by partnering with the World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore (WWF-Singapore) to launch the Sentosa Playbook for Reducing Disposables.

This guidebook, the first of its kind in Singapore, aims to help businesses on the island adopt best practices and sustainable technologies to reduce single-use plastic waste. As part of this initiative, members of the Sentosa Carbon Neutral Network (SCNN), including hotels, attractions, and food and beverage operators, have committed to eliminating single-use plastic bottled water from their establishments by the end of 2023. It is estimated that this island-wide policy will reduce the consumption of bottled water by at least two million bottles annually.

The Sentosa Playbook, developed in collaboration with WWF-Singapore, provides businesses with 16 measures across six categories to reduce disposables, such as takeaway bags, food containers, and amenity kits. The playbook serves as a practical guide, helping businesses monitor progress and explore new sustainable technologies.

Several SCNN members have already implemented notable measures to reduce single-use plastics. Capella Singapore has eliminated single-use plastic bottled water since 2019, saving 80,300 bottles. They have also removed plastic packaging from in-room amenities. Baristart Coffee has partnered with Muuse, a Singapore start-up, to introduce an app-enabled container program. Patrons can borrow containers for free, reducing the use of disposable takeaway cups and boxes. Sentosa Golf Club has successfully removed all single-use plastic bottled water since 2018, reducing approximately 150,000 bottles annually.

Thien Kwee Eng, CEO of Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC), acknowledges the challenges businesses face in balancing sustainability, customer expectations, and operational efficiency. However, she believes that by collectively making changes, they can inspire guests and demonstrate the possibility of sustainable consumption. The Sentosa Playbook will guide businesses towards waste reduction and contribute to a Sustainable Sentosa.

Sentosa Island has been recognised for its commitment to sustainability, receiving the Global Sustainable Tourism Council - For Destinations (GSTC-D) certificate in 2022. The Sentosa Carbon Neutral Network, consisting of 25 businesses and partners, is actively working towards carbon neutrality and has achieved a significant reduction in carbon emissions.

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