CruiseUN calls RCCL initiative ‘a watershed moment for the cruise industry’

Royal Caribbean reaches milestone for sustainable tours

RCCL now offers 1,400 sustainable tours.
RCCL now offers 1,400 sustainable tours. Photo Credit: Kardd/GettyImages

MIAMI - Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. said it now offers 1,400 tours that have been certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

That exceeds RCCL's initial goal of providing 1,000 certified tours by 2020.

Chartered by the United Nations, the GSTC sets a lengthy list of criteria that qualifies tours to be certified as sustainable. The criteria include low or no impact on plants and wildlife, cultural sensitivity, and energy and water conservation.

RCCL said it worked with its existing tour operators to educate them about the company's commitment, the importance of certification, and what the certification process entails.

GSTC chief executive Randy Durband called RCCL's efforts "a watershed moment for the cruise industry”.

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