AssociationThe Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents urges stronger enforcement against Umrah scams.

MATTA lashes out at Umrah scams

Such scams not only tarnish the travel industry's reputation but also causes financial and emotional distress to devout pilgrims.
Such scams not only tarnish the travel industry's reputation but also causes financial and emotional distress to devout pilgrims. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Rekalawa

The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) has expressed concern about the rise in Umrah scams across Malaysia, asserting that these scams not only tarnish the reputation of the travel industry but also inflict financial and emotional distress upon devout pilgrims.

While recognising the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture's (MOTAC) efforts to combat this issue, MATTA believes that the current approach lacks effective enforcement.

To tackle this, MATTA urges MOTAC to intensify actions by strengthening its enforcement unit, specifically focusing on monitoring social media platforms. The association emphasises the need for proactive measures to catch scammers and unlicensed operators exploiting these platforms for fraud.

MATTA President Nigel Wong said that inadequate enforcement against unlicensed operators has weakened the regulations for years, and to regain trust, he urges MOTAC and other related agencies to “adopt a zero-tolerance approach against those engaging in fraudulent Umrah activities.”

While advocating for cooperation between MOTAC and law enforcement agencies, MATTA raises concerns about a proposed grading system for Umrah operators. They fear this system might introduce complexities, hinder innovation, burden smaller businesses, and confuse consumers.

Highlighting potential drawbacks, including inconsistencies, stifled creativity, and unfair competition, MATTA stresses the need to carefully consider these issues before implementing a grading system. The association vows to work with MOTAC to safeguard Malaysian travellers and restore confidence in the Umrah pilgrimage process.

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