DestinationsJapan’s room rates have increased by 25.5% due to high demand and labour shortage.

Japan may not be so affordable anymore

International visitors coming to Japan in February jumped 89% from a year earlier to 2.78 million people, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).
International visitors coming to Japan in February jumped 89% from a year earlier to 2.78 million people, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO). Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/Jo Panuwat D

For those travellers looking to capitalise on Japan's weakened yen, it may not be as cheap as they may think anymore. While they may save on food costs and other expenses, hotel room rates have soared, according to the latest industry data.

The average daily room rate in February stood at 18,915 yen (US$124), up 25.5% from a year earlier. This spike, lasting for 26 consecutive months through February, has been driven by a flood of inbound tourists seeking to take advantage of the depreciated yen.

In February, the number of international visitors to Japan surged by 89% compared to the previous year, reaching 2.78 million people, as reported by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO). This figure also exceeded the traffic seen in the same month in 2019 by 7.1%.

Longer stays by visitors from the US, Europe, Australia, and other regions have contributed to the increase. Despite slow recovery in traffic from China, demand remains robust from other areas.

Luxury hotels and high-end options have particularly benefited from this trend, with strong demand from inbound tourists. As a result, average daily room rates are expected to continue climbing, with hotels implementing dynamic pricing strategies to optimise earnings.

Challenges such as labour shortages and rising construction costs pose constraints on further expansion in hotel supply, potentially exacerbating the rise in room rates.

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