Bits and BobsNew Zealand couple seeks compensation for being seated next to a farting dog during a 13-hour flight.

Farting dog causes a stink in mid air

A couple were seated next to another passenger’s assistance dog which was drooling and farting on a 13-hour flight.
A couple were seated next to another passenger’s assistance dog which was drooling and farting on a 13-hour flight. Photo Credit: Adobe Stock/annette shaff

Singapore Airlines is hoping to resolve a dispute with a New Zealand couple who were seated next to an emotional support dog and its owner on a 13-hour flight.

The couple had booked premium economy seats on the flight from Paris to Singapore but soon after take-off they became aware that the snuffling noise below their feet was a flatulent dog.

The pair said flight attendants could only offer alternative seats in the back row of the economy section, but they decided to stick with their premium economy seats until they reached breaking point and accepted an offer of staff seats at the front of the economy section.

“[The owner] couldn’t have the dog out in the aisle because they couldn’t get the trolleys through, so it had to come in further, which meant his head was under my husband’s feet,” said Gill Press, who was travelling home to New Zealand with her husband.

After turning down offers from SIA of gift and travel vouchers, the couple is calling for a full refund of their fare. “We didn’t receive the experience we paid for,” they said.

A Singapore Airlines spokesperson told Simple Flying they are continuing to liaise with the couple over the inconvenience.

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