DestinationsEcotourism champion Timothy Teo unveils the magic of travel in Borneo's untamed nature for sustainable and unforgettable adventures.

Borneo is where the magic of travel comes alive

Spot pygmy elephants in their natural habitat with Borneo Eco Tours' wildlife river safari.
Spot pygmy elephants in their natural habitat with Borneo Eco Tours' wildlife river safari.
About the Author
About the Author

Timothy Teo, managing director of Borneo Eco Tours and Sukau Rainforest Lodge, is passionate about transformative ecotourism. He aims to shape global standards, inspire sustainability, and position Borneo as a leading destination. His vision is for travel to immerse in nature, support communities, and create a sustainable legacy.

In 1991, Borneo Eco Tours embarked on a mission that was ahead of its time—ecotourism. Back then, the concept of ecotourism was still unfamiliar and questioned by many. It was not a fashionable thing to do in the industry yet, and people often asked, "What is it, and why should we care?" However, Borneo Eco Tours had a different vision. We believed that travel could go beyond mere exploration and become an opportunity to nurture the environment and create meaningful experiences.

This visionary approach led to the establishment of Sukau Rainforest Lodge in 1995. Located in the heart of Borneo, Sukau Rainforest Lodge is an eco-lodge unlike any other. It stands as a testament to the remarkable beauty of the natural world. Surrounded by lush rainforests and abundant wildlife, it offers an immersive experience where travellers can truly connect with nature.

Sukau Rainforest Lodge's Borneo Villas.
Sukau Rainforest Lodge's Borneo Villas.

Sukau Rainforest Lodge is a place where wildlife thrives in abundance, creating a unique ecosystem unparalleled in other parts of Sabah or Sarawak. Everywhere you look, there are numerous species coexisting harmoniously with humans. It is a natural habitat where animals roam freely and can be easily observed by visitors. The lodge provides an exceptional opportunity for travellers to immerse themselves in the wonders of nature and witness extraordinary encounters with wildlife.

The essence of Sukau Rainforest Lodge lies in its commitment to ecotourism. Unlike other destinations that rely on artificial attractions and mass tourism, Sukau Rainforest Lodge embraces the principles of sustainable travel. It offers an experience that is genuine and untouched by human intervention. Travellers who seek authenticity and yearn for a deeper connection with the natural world find solace in the serenity of Sukau.

Promoting ecotourism in Asia

Sukau Rainforest Lodge’s guests can spot primates like the Red Leaf Monkey in the lush canopy.
Sukau Rainforest Lodge’s guests can spot primates like the Red Leaf Monkey in the lush canopy.

The importance of promoting ecotourism in Asia cannot be overstated. As travel operators, we have a responsibility to ensure that our business practices do not harm the very destinations we rely on. Unfortunately, traditional tourism often leaves a negative impact, with beaches becoming polluted and coral reefs suffering destruction. This unsustainable approach ultimately undermines the long-term viability of the tourism industry itself.

By embracing ecotourism, we can create a more sustainable future. It is about supporting something in our own backyard, recognising the incredible biodiversity that Asia possesses. Sabah, for instance, is a region that teems with wildlife in astounding numbers. Yet, many people remain unaware of the riches that lie within their reach. Renowned naturalist David Attenborough himself has spent weeks at Sukau Rainforest Lodge, captivated by its magnificence. It is a testament to the remarkable destination that Asia has to offer.

Promoting ecotourism in Asia is not just about conservation; it is also about empowering local communities and preserving their cultural heritage. Ecotourism allows travellers to engage with local cultures, supporting livelihoods and fostering understanding. It is an opportunity to bridge the gap between different cultures and build a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Challenges with Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)

Pygmy elephants passing by Sakau Rainforest Lodge.
Pygmy elephants passing by Sakau Rainforest Lodge.

While online travel agencies (OTAs) have become an integral part of the modern travel landscape, we, at Borneo Eco Tours, approach them with caution. We acknowledge that OTAs serve a purpose, catering to the convenience-seeking traveller. However, there is a subtle danger that comes with their seemingly innocuous listings.

When unique and special offerings enter the realm of OTAs, they often become commoditised. Human nature compels us to compare and seek familiarity, undermining the uniqueness of destinations like Sukau Rainforest Lodge. As operators, we choose not to succumb to the commoditisation of our products. Instead, we strive to attract individuals who seek the extraordinary, who yearn for something truly distinctive.

Reaching the masses without reliance on OTAs

To reach a wider audience without relying solely on OTAs, we employ innovative techniques that resonate with our target market. Collaboration with travel agents and wholesalers has proven instrumental in reaching discerning travellers who value authentic experiences. Accreditation from esteemed organisations like National Geographic adds credibility to our cause, instilling trust in our offerings.

Sakau Rainforest Lodge proudly holds a place on National Geographic's esteemed list of "Unique Lodges of the World."
Sakau Rainforest Lodge proudly holds a place on National Geographic's esteemed list of "Unique Lodges of the World."

Investing in travel trade shows provides opportunities to showcase our unique products and forge meaningful connections with industry professionals. The internet has also become a gateway to unforgettable experiences, as our website leverages search engine optimisation (SEO) to ensure visibility. Social media platforms enable us to establish credibility and engage with potential travelers, while third-party review sites provide invaluable validation.

We recognise that the travel industry is evolving, with direct bookings becoming increasingly prevalent. However, we remain committed to maintaining strong partnerships with travel agents. We respect their margins and provide comprehensive support, understanding that trust is the foundation of the travel trade. This symbiotic relationship ensures that both sides are well taken care of, guaranteeing the best experience for both our travel partners and their clients.

An education session at Sakau Rainforest Lodge where guests will learn about the way orangutan live in their natural habitat.
An education session at Sakau Rainforest Lodge where guests will learn about the way orangutan live in their natural habitat.

In a world where authenticity is increasingly rare, Borneo Eco Tours and Sukau Rainforest Lodge remain steadfast in our belief that the magic of travel lies in embracing the extraordinary, stepping beyond the realm of the ordinary, and savouring the untamed beauty that awaits those who venture with them. By promoting ecotourism, nurturing local communities, and prioritising sustainability, we hope to leave a legacy worth celebrating—a legacy that not only celebrates the natural world but also inspires future generations to become custodians of our planet.

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