FestivalsOne of the world’s most remote – and colourful – festivals requires a long drive and a four-hour trek to join the fun and games.

A Bhutanese festival fit for royalty

Bhutan’s annual Royal Highland Festival helps to preserve the culture of nomadic highland people.
Bhutan’s annual Royal Highland Festival helps to preserve the culture of nomadic highland people.

Bhutan’s annual Royal Highland Festival that celebrates and protects Bhutan’s highland cultures, will be held this year on 23-24 October.

It is held in Laya in the district of Gasa, one of Bhutan’s most northern settlements, 3,800m above sea level.

The festival is held to promote and preserve the way of life and culture of the Layap nomadic highland people.

Gasa has some of the country's highest mountain peaks, with more than a hundred glacial lakes supplying many of Bhutan's rivers, including the Phochu and Mochu.

During the festival, the Layap people will showcase their time-honoured traditions and stunning attire through cultural programmes.

There are parades and games featuring yaks, horses and mastiffs adorned with intricately designed accessories.

Journeying to the festival is an adventure with travellers needing a seven-hour drive from Thimphu to the Tongshida base camp, followed by a four-hour hike to Laya.

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